Abortion pill (RU486) NEVER PURCHASE RU486 ONLINE Medical abortions before week 8 in 2015 were ~25% of all abortions performed in the US. They are riskier than surgical procedures A good resource explaining the differences Complications ProLife A medical (or chemical) abortion is a non-surgical form of abortion in which the woman takes pills containing Mifepristone (RU-486) and Misoprostol (or Cytotec) to end the life of the baby. This procedure is performed during the first trimester of pregnancy. The drugs are approved by the FDA for use up to ten weeks since the first day of her last menstrual period (LMP).https://www.abortionprocedures.com/abortion-pill/ ProChoice Planned Parenthood advertisement for RU486 You MUST never take RU486 without proper medical supervision